Caution – Keep Out Label


Caution – Keep Out Label


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Weight 1 lbs
Sign Size

12″, 16″, 18″, 20″, 24″, 28″, 32″, 36″, 4″ x 6″, 6″ x 9″, 8″ x 12″

Product Description

Caution – Keep Out Label

This label says, “Caution Keep Out” in clear black letters to help alert people to the fact that they need to keep out of the area beyond the label. It can come in multiple different sizes depending on the specific needs of your facility. You can use this label to help remind people that they should not proceed beyond the area due to dangers or other reasons.

The label itself has a yellow background at the top and a white background near the bottom, which is a standard color scheme for issuing warnings or alerting people to take proper caution. The label itself is easy to peel and stick on virtually any surface, which makes it a very versatile option to consider. Whether you need to let employees know not to proceed or you have customers you need to convey the message to, this caution keep out label is an effective way to limit access to certain areas of your facility.


  • 3 size options available
  • Easy peel-and-stick application
  • Strong adhesive for high durability
  • Chemical, water, and smear resistant
  • Removable without leaving messy residue
  • Same material as our LabelTac® printer supply


  • 4″x6″
  • 6″x9″
  • 8″x12″